Saturday, April 9, 2022

Easy way to relieve workload on IRS

IRS is constantly under stress. “Our employees have worked hard, long hours during the pandemic to assist taxpayers and successfully modify our systems, despite lacking the funding that we need to adequately serve the American people,” said the IRS Commissioner. But there is a very easy to relieve this heavy workload: significantly raise the limit of tax filing. For example, currently if you are single, under 65, and make $12550 or more a year, you need to file tax returns. Why not raise that to, say, $20000 or $30000? To make up for the decrease in tax revenue of the nation, all or most tax rates can be raised just a little. The total tax revenue will stay the same but the number of tax returns that IRS receives will be much lower. Hasn't IRS been trying to simplify tax returns in the past few years (in spite of the alledge opposite on Turbo Tax's instigation)? Raising the minimum tax filing income works in the same spirit and will meet no or little opposition.

Charge job application fees to stop spamming

In the current fierce competition for limited job openings, some job applicants resort to resume spamming in the hope of getting one or two...